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Image by Patrick Perkins







Dr Goiz Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, Bioenergetics and Telebioenergetics

I am very excited to introduce *Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and Bioenergetics* at my practice. 


Biomagnetism is a therapeutic, preventative, non-invasive procedure discovered in 1988 by the Mexican Doctor Goiz Isaac Duran who unfortunately passed away this year (2021) in April. Since then, he has successfully treated thousands and thousands of patients affected by a multiplicity of conditions, and the therapy has become popular in the US and UK.

How does the therapy work?


With Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, we find specific points in the body that are energetically connected and resonate with each other. One is positive-acidic the other negative-alkaline. 


The pairs of magnets are used to balance the pH of the body so it can support the elimination of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, regulate glandular dysfunction and clear the body of heavy metals, pesticides and other toxic substances that accumulate over time.


When the pH is balanced, it immediately regulates and corrects the pathology.

When the biomagnetic poles are impacted, the pathogenic viruses lose their genetic information and the bacteria lose their alkaline environment in which they thrive to reproduce.


The positive biomagnetic poles are normally asymptomatic therefore they cannot be detected by other conventional systems of diagnosis nor they can be healed or corrected by any other therapeutic or drug method.

I had the honour to study with Moises Goiz in San Francisco in 2017 and deepen my studies and practices training with Dr David Goiz Martinez in London 2019 and Dr Miguel Ojeda Rio in Mexico.




Telebioenergetics is a form of remote Biomagnetic testing and therapy, developed by Dr Isaac Goiz Duran 7 years after he developed Biomagnetic Pair Therapy. 


By directing the energies of the client, the therapist and the magnets, clients can be treated remotely at a distance.


How is this possible?

During the session, your body will be energetically 'scanned' using the body of another person as an antenna (can be the therapist herself)

Found imbalances are corrected using a scientific-based energetic technique.


As the treatment is energetic, its efficacy is not impacted by distance, even when the client is located on the other side of the world.

This remote healing has been extremely useful during the Covid pandemic, as by its nature it involves social distancing.


Remote energetic healing is a powerful phenomenon. 

The scientific laws of quantum physics and entanglement theory go some way towards explaining the process and how connections are made at a distance. Thus transference of energy and intention is possible. 


According to the laws of quantum physics, an atom and its electrons never lose quantum entanglement, even when they are separated. If you can remove an electron from that atom and place it anywhere in the World, it will continue to have a relationship with that atom. Many electrons separated from the same atom and ‘mixed up’ would still maintain quantum entanglement. 


What does a typical treatment look like? 


At the agreed time, I will video call you and ask you a few targeted questions regarding your state of health and the issue you would like to address. 

This can be done via Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Whatsapp or Telegram.

Then before starting the scan and treatment I will ask for your consent to continue.


Then for the duration of the 'scan' and whole treatment, I will invite you to find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You may want to create a warm ambience with relaxing music etc

It is important that you ensure you will not be interrupted during the treatment. 


 I will need a few moments to establish a stable connection with you.


Then I will scan your body for imbalances.


I will energetically place specific magnets on specific imbalanced points that show up in the scan, thereby re-balancing related parts of the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual bodies.


Each energetic magnet will be put in place for a variable amount of time, according to need. 


During the session, you may experience sensations throughout the body such as heat, cold and tingling, perhaps with visualisations as well.



After the treatment, the body undergoes a healing process, and some clients experience fatigue for up to 2-3 days. 



Michaela M., 47 y.o.

"I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 20 y.o. I was put on medications which allowed me to function almost as 'normal' but at times I've felt drained and lacking in energy.

I also developed a rather bad sensitivity to sound and light. 

After the first session with Dāsi, despite suffering from exhaustion, I felt more energetic and less irritable. (My husband remarked!)

The night hot flushes that prevented me from having a deep sleep, subsided in just one session of Bioenergetics.

Dāsi tested different foods and supplements within the session to complement the therapy, which motivated me to implement the nutritional recommendations.

I've had 3 sessions so far. I feel more positive and able to sustain a good energy level throughout the day."

Martha B.,39 y.o.

"I went to see Dāsi as my last resource. I had tried various supplements and diets before in the hope of finding a solution to my problem but they only helped for a short time. Unexpectedly she seemed to have a different viewpoint of what my root cause would be.

It's been 3 months now and my symptoms are much better. Itchiness has reduced and I have more energy. More than anything I can finally sleep at night.'

Alexandra, 53

'I was diagnosed with an uterine polyp. Dāsi recommended some anti-inflammatory natural supplements and gave me 3 sessions of Bioenergetics during the course of a month.

I was due to have surgery to remove it. To my and my gynecologist surprise, when I had a check-up, the polyp was gone'

Michael, 59

'I went to see Dāsi for my chronic problem with high blood pressure.

Dāsi adjusted my diet, as she realised I was lacking of essential nutrients, and gave me 4 sessions of Bioenergetics over a 6 months period. 

I now still follow her diet advice but I'm much more relaxed and enjoy life'

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