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As a Londoner, I can safely say that one of the things people say more often on a day to day basis is ‘I’m so tired’.

Can I relate to that? Indeed I can.

The rat race is on and we need to keep going. Work, travel, partners, family, children etc


To add to that, a massive increase in parasitic and/or fungal infections, pollutants, EMF (electromagnetic fields) reduced food nutrients, food additives and lack of exercise have caused a real epidemic in feeling lethargic and exhausted.


Many can be the causes of fatigue and they are all individual, here are some possible factors to take into consideration:


  • Candida

  • IBS or IBD

  • Hormones (i.e. menopause, thyroid issues etc…)

  • Minerals imbalance 

  • Vitamins deficiency

  • Parasites

  • Inflammation

  • Toxicity

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Stress

  • EMF


In truth, I’ve experienced them all on my skin and I have managed to reduce symptoms dramatically, starting with taking responsibility for my own health, making diet changes and much more!


With the first consultation, I will be able to put a picture together and work out what functional testing would be more suitable to get to the root of the problem. Please note that I always do my best to minimise costs for the patient and look for the best affordable option.

***The information in this page is NOT intended as medical advice.

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