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Digestive Wellness





Most clients I see, have some digestive complaints.


The food we eat, poor in nutrients, often GMO and/or contaminated with glyphosate (pesticides) contributes massively to all these issues.


If we add stress to that, pollution, heavy metal toxicity and some other positive factors declining with age, it’s not difficult to understand why, in some way, most of us, suffer from gut or stomach issues.


Allopathic medicine focuses mainly on symptoms reduction (antacids, proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers etc) not offering a solution to the root cause of the problem, and without taking into consideration individual circumstances that have led the patient to that condition.


One example can be found in the link between the brain and the gut. What affects the mind will often have repercussion on the intestine which in turn will have an impact on emotions and so on.


So if you suffer from:


- Indigestion

- Bloating

- Acid reflux

- Constipation or Diarrhoea (or both)

- Flatulence

- Autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis


- Fatigue

- Depression and Anxiety

- Food sensitivities and intolerances


Together we can make a difference in the gut and overall health, improve immune system functions, energy levels and hormones balance.

***The information in this page is NOT intended as medical advice.

Image by Sambazon
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