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  • Writer's pictureDāsi

Is it possible to avoid GMO?

Updated: Jul 2, 2020


Yes it possible and it's something each individual and family could easily do!

There have been thousands on studies on the repercussion of GMO produce on health but all have been carried only on animals.

Some research has linked GM foods to conditions such as leaky gut (intestinal permeability), dysbiosis, immune and allergic response and impaired digestion.

In reality we still don’t know enough GMO to deem them safe for human consumption, but many credible studies are emerging each year demonstrating why genetically modified foods should be avoided.

Here is a list of the worst suspects:

1) CORN. If it's organic it GMO-free, but if it's not certified look for high fructose corn syrup, corn meal, chips etc...A lot of animals are fed corn, so it would be advisable to have organic meat too.

2) SOY. Soy is in everything.

Again unless it is organic certified please avoid it (look at milks formula too!)

3) SUGAR. The best thing is to stay away from any sweeteners, if you can’t avoid it I’d recommend stevia or coconut palm sugar


5) CANOLA oil and RAPESEED oil. Use organic cold pressed coconut oil, organic ghee and olive oil (only for cooking at low temperatures!)

6) DAIRIES. Cows are injected a huge quantity of substances (i.e. antibiotics, vaccinations) that leave some residues on milk. Opt for goats, almond or cashew milk possibly organic (a lot of nuts are irradiated).

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